Sometimes a bit of success

Sometimes a bit of success
5lb 3oz Mullet

Tuesday 13 July 2010

Cape Cod

Went to Cape Cod at the end of June, it was a disaster, boiling hot, no fish, I mean really no fish at all!! not for me anyway, the two guys with me, Phil and Kev caught two and three respectively, so that's a total of five fish between three of us, fishing for what was many many hours. Maybe its because we were crap, especially me, but I've been there before and fished in the few hours available on a family holiday, at the wrong time and wherever I could manage rather than researched marks. I caught more than double our total catch of both Stripers and Blues, and even a couple of Fluke. I caught fish on flies and plugs and generally got excited about the place. Well I'm not excited anymore. We had a good time, and went to some great places to blank but I won't be going back, not for the fishing anyway.